Jump to ratings and reviews. Want to read. Shop this series. Rate this book. Yalancının Pokeri. Michael LewisNeşenur Domaniç Translator. New York'ta Stajyer olarak işe başlayan Poker Books For Beginners üç yıl içinde Londra'da tahvil satıcılığına yükseldi ve şirket adına milyonların peşinde koşarken,modern zamanların altında hücum dönemini para kazandırma fırsatına dönüştürdü. Yalancının Pokeri o çarpıcı çılgın yılların doruğuna çıkıyor ve sahne arkasında Amerikan iş dünyasının özgün ve fırtınalı görünümü yer alıyor. Loading Poker Books For Beginners About the author. Michael Lewis 41 books Michael Monroe Lewis is an American author and financial journalist. He has also been a contributing editor to Vanity Fair sincewriting mostly on business, finance, and economics. He is known for his nonfiction work, particularly his coverage of financial crises and behavioral finance. Lewis was born in New Orleans and attended Princeton University, from which he graduated with a degree in art history. After attending the London School of Economics, he began a career on Wall Street during the s as a bond salesman at Salomon Brothers. The experience prompted him to write his first book, Liar's Poker The film adaptation of Moneyball was released infollowed by The Big Short in Write a Review. Create a free account to discover what your friends think of this book! Community Reviews. Search review text. Displaying 1 - 30 of 3, reviews. Petra is wondering when this dawn will beome day. Update On Tuesday, March 1,I got a call, my banker that sounds weird, I'm not sure of the term, but the guy who looks after my account resigned from Morgan Stanley. He said they wanted to put the commission and charges clients pay up too much and that it has become Corruption Central. He says he'll phone me when he finds a new company. Does anything change? My son who is in his last year at law school has a job already with Goldman Sachs. Is he going to become very rich and very corrupt? Will I care as much when it is my son and not my money? What results is either extreme wealth and satisfaction - probably quite a few of these people are psychopaths or guilt and a change in career, or they become just like the American Psychoa rather fun fictional book on the ultimate psycho on Wall Street. The book is highly recommended for lots of open-mouthed, "geez, people act like that", say things like that moments and because Michael Lewis, as always, knows his subject well and writes about it in a very entertaining and non-dry way. Great read. The author quite obviously dislikes and has nothing but contempt for the banking industry - he resigned from Salomon Brothers to write this book but at the time was still married to Diana de Cordova, an investment banker with Morgan Stanley. I wonder if his book had anything to do with the marriage breaking down? He married twice more, both tv journalists, but got out of banking completely and into writing best-selling books. At least his time was his own. It reads like it could have been written about the overblown corruption of the Finance market Poker Books For Beginners now that explodes into the press every few years. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose, at least with Wall Street. Relevant because it seems the Big Swinging Dicks of Wall Street are ever with us; ancient because of references to things like WATS lines and the lionizing of Salomon Brothers trader John Meriwether, whose Long-Term Capital Management would spectacularly implode inand Michael Milken, who apparently had not yet been indicted when the book went to press but got a year prison sentence for securities violations. Lewis is a raconteur more than a documentarian, which is both pleasing and irritating. Certainly raconteurs can sell more books.
Create a free account to discover what your friends think of this book! It really does bring you inside a very insular industry and that peek behind closed doors is shocking on multiple levels. Amazon Ödeme Araçları. You can read Lewis' other book, The Big Short, for more details about this. Bankers love to think that they "deserve" all the money they end up making hundreds of thousands of dollars, sometimes millions, back in the '80s!
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We explain rules about poker and the winning hands. Bu kitap poker masasında başarılı olmanız için gereken hem temel hem de ileri teknikleri öğretiyor. Rakiplerinizi nasıl okuyacağınızı, akıllı bahisler yapmayı. Fourteen years later, Lewis wrote Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game. The experience prompted him to write his first book, Liar's Poker (). This is an easy guide for Pokerhands that you could use when you play Texas Holdem poker. How to Play Poker in Easy Way: A Complete Illustrated Guide for Beginners Players!Basics, Instructions, Game Rules and Strategies to Learn How to Play Poker in.Bankers love to think that they "deserve" all the money they end up making hundreds of thousands of dollars, sometimes millions, back in the '80s! I'm not good with writing reviews. Walter Spence. A must read. Therefore when Finance becomes part of history, I feel as if I can touch history up close. Or did that, this book was published decades ago. It is clear that the customer is a victim to be exploited by this industry. Müşteri Yorumları. Lewis was a trainee bond trader at Salomon Brothers when that firm was the most profitable on Wall St. I would reccomend this to anyone that enjoys book based on the financial world and anyone who enjoys books that mesh humor with real facts. Will I care as much when it is my son and not my money? As always, a compulsively readable book from Michael Lewis. So what does this have to do with Liar's Poker? Are you interested in mastering the game? Click here to hear more of my thoughts on this book over on my Booktube channel, abookolive! This is really a "me, not you" problem. Sam Padilla. Lewis describes his experience as bond salesman on Wall Street during the late s. It was backed by the arrogant success of the money business of these days, that Ronald Reagan and Maggy Thatcher overpowered their arch enemy and delivered the final blow to the crumbling Soviet Union. Tüm hakları saklıdır. The sense of battle, politicking, and putting up fronts. Author 2 books 1, followers. The book is interesting, as it follows Lewis's journey from college interviews to working at top investment firm Salomon Brothers. Michael Monroe Lewis is an American author and financial journalist. Andrea Klear. Shows the value of company culture. The most money-hungry industry, probably. Remember U. The author quite obviously dislikes and has nothing but contempt for the banking industry - he resigned from Salomon Brothers to write this book but at the time was still married to Diana de Cordova, an investment banker with Morgan Stanley. But we'd try - guacamole in five-gallon drums, for a start. Unlike the other books, this was a memoir of the author's days from investment banking.