Bunlar, çoğunlukla tip ile kombinasyon halinde kullanılan sözcüklerdir. Aşağıdaki listelerinizden birine tip 'ı ekleyin ya da yeni bir tane yaratın. Add to word list Add to word list. C2 [ I or T ] to cause to move so that one side is higher than another side :. The table tipped, and all our drinks fell on the floor. The baby tipped the scales at 3. Slanting, sloping, leaning, tilting. She tipped the contents of her purse out onto the table. He tipped his breakfast cereal into a bowl. When it is tipping it down, a lot of rain is falling :. Movement of liquids. Covering and adding layers. The taxi driver was so rude to her that she didn't tip him. Paying money. Possible and probable. A lot of waste is being tipped into the sea. The sign by the side of the road said "No tipping". Environmental issues. Konuda ayrıca ilgili kelimeleri, ifadeleri ve eşanlamlıları da bulabilirsiniz: Chip Dumping Poker and getting rid of things. I tipped the ball and ran. The goalkeeper tipped the ball over the crossbar. General terms used in ball sports. Deyimsel fiiller tip someone off. B1 a useful piece of informationespecially about how to do something or about the likely winner of a race or competition :. Ayrıca bkz hot tip informal. Daha fazla sonuç görün ». Freezing the butter was a useful tip. He gave me some tips about the best way to catch trout. Have you got any tips for a new journalist? Let me give you a tip: she likes flattery. Layla gave me some tips about the best places to visit. Konuda ayrıca ilgili kelimeleri, ifadeleri ve eşanlamlıları da bulabilirsiniz: Information and messages. Giving advice. B1 a small amount of money given to someone who has provided you with a servicein addition to the official payment and for their personal use:. Eş anlamlı gratuity formal. She had to give the doorman a tip before he would help her with her suitcases. Should I give the driver a tip? Payment methods. Konuda ayrıca ilgili kelimeleri, ifadeleri ve eşanlamlıları da bulabilirsiniz: Gifts in the form of money. C1 the usually pointed end of something, especially Chip Dumping Poker that is long and Chip Dumping Poker :.
İnsan topluluğu. We have tried to sampled, the context where the same words, taking from three major inscriptions. Apple Vision Requires visionOS 1. A lot of waste is being tipped into the sea. By analyzing those tendencies, a part of which also depends on international factors or nonlinguistic determiners, it is possible to objectify attitude of language and thereby society regarding loan words and reasons forming basis to this. Köktürklerin göçebe hayat şekilleri VIII.
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